Sharing a resource that will help you protect your private information.
Today, we’re here to talk about a very important topic: protecting your information after a credit pull. When you need to get your credit pulled to apply for a mortgage, Experian sells your information to many different companies that they work with. The mortgage company you work with for your loan cannot sell any of your information, but Experian can and does. This means that you could be subject to being bombarded with soliciting calls.
Fortunately, we know of a resource that can help. Click here to go to a website that offers free services to protect your information. There is an opt-out service that stops Experian from selling your information, a do-not-call list that stops many different solicitors from calling you, and a do-not-contact list specifically for right after a mortgage credit pull.
All of these services are free, easy, quick, and highly recommended by us no matter where you are in the mortgage process. We have even gotten calls after our clients close, so we understand how annoying it can be. If you need help with this or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call or email us anytime and we would be happy to help you.