Is your house feeling bland and you’re wanting to use paint to create interest? There are so
many different colors and shades of paint, where do you even begin? Let’s talk about choosing
an accent wall first and selecting a color from there.
When I’m talking about an accent wall with clients, I’m looking for a couple things in their
space. The purpose of an accent wall is to draw your eye to a specific place to create interest in
the space, so I’m looking for a wall that already has a little interest to create dimension, like a
fireplace or a headboard in a bedroom. It also goes the other way, if you have a space with high
ceilings and large windows, you don’t want to take away from that by creating interest
somewhere else. I don’t recommend creating an accent wall just for a pop of color or just for
the sake of an accent wall, make sure it has purpose and makes sense. If it doesn’t, you can
always add color in art and accessories.
When it comes to selecting a color, oh boy there are so many! Where to start? I always start by
asking my client if they want a bright and bold color or more of a muted color. Then if they had
a color or colors in mind that they want to add. This is a great way to start narrowing down. You
can also think about if you want the color to be dark and moody or bright or somewhere in
between. Once you’ve narrowed down a couple colors, get a couple samples, either the paper
samples or actual paint samples. Paint them or if they are paper tape them on the wall (I
recommend doing this in when choosing any paint) and live with them for a couple days. Walk
by them at different times of day and if your eye is drawn to one more than the other, you
probably favor it. This is the best way to know you’re going to love what you’re selecting. Check
out my Pinterest for my favorite accent colors!